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Truth Resonates!!


Many of us want for our life to have a purpose. Would you do whatever it takes to fulfill your life's mission? This podcast discloses missions carried out by many Starseeds, light workers, and a Supreme Intergalactic group known as "The Rainbow Guardians" who for millions of years and thousands of lives have carried out missions for Divine Source Creator. Each week te details of a new mission are disclosed to the listeners by the commander of the groundcrew.  If you want the truth of what is happening galactically and spiritually, this is your channel!

Weekly podcast will cover a mission with all the details allowed to be disclosed!

In addition there is a ton of galactic, Atlantis, Lemurian and other Space Races that engage with me as Soul Family. Would you enjoy Q&A opportunities with any of these beings?

When you choose to SUBSCRIBE to help support this channel you will be recognized in print and with a Shout out! Your input on content will be reviewed and your voice will be heard!

Many Blessings, 
